There are political Tees, (to democracy make a statement about the environment, freedom, war and peace or the electoral candidate you wish to support) and then there's the politically incorrect T-shirt, the shirt could be a fun TT bad shirt, or just an offensive T-shirts. Everybody wants a way to make a statement: young people do it to express rebellion and non-conformist, a recently divorced man wants to be an anti-feministStatement, etc. Sometimes you just want to make a politically correct statement for the sake of it, you can a bit 'annoying that each order to be so politically correct, everyone is so worried about your toes occur every race and is so hats occupied P and Q, you forget to laugh at himself!
Witness how people call a spade a spade: you can not call a person retarded not to make this term can only say that so and so "special" or "intellectuallychallenged 'or similar expressions are gentle and harmless. And 'perhaps as a reaction to all this forced politeness, designs T-shirts like this came to be: Arguing with you is like a race in the Special Olympics, we could have won, but in the end you're still late!
Some environmentalists and conservationists can belabor a point rather to an extent which can be tedious, many of them tend to see themselves and their cause a bit 'too seriously. It is, therefore, thatthe mock trial in which a person takes seriously. So a T-shirt design, with a dolphin jumping through words, taste like tuna dolphins could actually say that a little 'over-zealous effort to someone on their dolphin conservation.
A recently divorced man can get away with making a statement as anti-woman like me) have this shirt for my wife (trade Awesome got really doubt, if a married man would be allowed T-shirt, Donwho said something!
You can even make a statement about how sick of all his shows Oh - so - politically correct. Wear a T-shirt that proclaims, simply, or perhaps a warning: I am not politically correct, or wear it, says the politically correct, whether right! Then there are those designs T-shirts that say that basically people do not be too sensitive: the freedom I have the right to free speech, you have the right to be offended!We both get what we want!
In fact, when confronted with humor, in the form of funny T-shirts are not yet the crest, are not petty and is forced to relax a bit '. How to make your own design shirts Tt is to be funny, there is another way to make your own personal statement. Design a T-shirt contests will be required as a creative and politically incorrect as you can! So go ahead and a t-shirt design!