When it comes decision to choose a T-shirt fabric, cotton and polyester, are not your only two, but the two predominant tissue from their territory. They are Coca-Cola and Pepsi t-shirt world. Similar to the ongoing debate on the firm, many argue, and ask that the material is superior. When buying a new T-shirt is better, a shirt of cotton or polyester t Like everything else in this world, everything depends on the tastes of the personto buy it.
The Cotton Craze
Cotton has been around for centuries, is the granddaddy of all T-shirt fabric. Cotton for the first time in the street clothes already in 2500 BC Over the years is the most widely used material for making clothing. Cotton production is much more efficient when Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin, which mechanically separated from cotton seed, in the late 18th Century.
Today T-shirt of the highest quality consideredT-shirts. They are comfortable to wear and easy to breathe more easily than other substances. Cotton has these advantages, because the fabric is softer. They have some disadvantages. T-shirt has a shelf life. They are known to decrease when the first wash, which means that a T-shirt could be stuck with a smaller, when T-shirt does not agree with the shrinkage factor, if originally for sale. The cotton fabrics fade more easily than others, so that after several washes, T-shirtscould start to look old and worn. Many believe that these drawbacks are worth the convenience of a shirt 100% cotton T-.
Polyester is Pro
We are a society of artificial enhancement. It is no surprise that, in the 20th century, scientists have found a way to make a synthetic fabric called polyester. Since that milestone polyester has become the main competitor of cotton. All of cotton weakness is his strength, but polyester is not completely free fromDisorders.
Polyester will not shrink when first washed, shrink, it will never be. A polyester T-shirts will always be the same size, unless it is manipulated in some. T-Shirts polyester usual as quickly vanish, so will last much longer. They are much more washable, because the number of washing cycles can last before starting their age. A major advantage of polyester is that there are wrinkles. Apply a 100% polyester T-shirtand there is absolutely no need to iron wrinkles because it will directly charge the dryer. Polyester has its draw backs. It is no longer comfortable wearing cotton. Do not breathe like cotton, wear means that the sweat and body heat does not escape from it so simple, so that there is more hot T-shirt.
50/50, a compromise
When there are two parts of a debate is almost always a compromise. The same goes with cotton and polyester, with a 50/50 mixtureThe two soon invented to placate both sides of the debate. This elegant 50/50 have a lot of advantages and disadvantages. They bring the best of both worlds in a t-shirt. You have the comfort and breathability of cotton with the durability of polyester. They do not hesitate to time, and not so many wrinkles. Of course, a 50/50 is not as comfortable as a mixture of 100% cotton, but not as hot as a 100% polyesterT-shirts. Therefore, it is called a compromise.
What is the election?
50/50 blends are always incredibly popular, it is common to 50/50 blend T-shirt shops to find. If you do not have a preference for how they like their T-shirts, the choice is probably 50/50. E 'T-shirt for a new generation. A T-shirt organic synthesis. Yup, 50:50 mixture may j, it is necessary.
Of course, the nature of t-shirts for you depends on, well, you. Youthree major decisions would be difficult to go wrong.